Legal Studies - Family Essay
March 24, 2025
Perhaps you're an aspiring lawyer, maybe you did well in stage 5 commerce, or it's possible you've spend a few too many hours binge watching your favourite legal dramas. For whatever reason, you have picked one of the most content-heavy but most interesting HSC subject offer...
August 17, 2022
Shakespeare’s Macbeth follows a moral battle of an individual’s ambition and drive forpower, and the ultimate guilt experienced, leading to a descent into madness. Throughoutthis tragic play we focus on the core themes of Fate, Ambition, and Guilt and a Demise intoMadnes...
Legal Studies - Crime Essay
December 28, 2021
Perhaps you’re an aspiring lawyer. Maybe you did well in stage 5 commerce. Or it’s possible that you’ve spent a few too many hours binge watching your favourite legal dramas- Suits and How to Get Away With Murder. For whatever reason, you have picked to study one of th...
Merchant of Venice
December 28, 2021
Welcome back to another blog post! Today, we will be discussing Shakespeare’s comedic play ‘Merchant of Venice’ published in 1623. Shakespeare’s portrayal of antisemitism, particularly for the protagonist, directly correlates with the HSC common module ‘Texts and H...
Sylvia Plath and Ted Hughes' Poetry
December 28, 2021
In this Clear Education blog, we will explore the HSC Module A – Textual conversations, focusing on the two poets Sylvia Plath and Ted Hughes. The textual conversation explores the historical and social contexts informing each poet, particularly the collective loss of iden...
Boy Behind the Curtain - Quotes and Analysis
December 28, 2021
In this blogpost, we’ll take a look at how Tim Winton’s collection of semi-autobiographical essays, specifically how ‘Havoc: A life in Accidents’ connects to the Texts and Human Experiences rubric.
In responses to the common module, it’s important to consider...
Past The Shallows: Quotes and Analysis
February 6, 2020
CLEAR Education is here to bring you another blog post!
This time we are going to dive into Favel Parrett’s Past the Shallows and how it represents the inconsistencies of relationships, inviting us as the responder to reconsider contrasting familial relationships, as we un...
The Crucible: Quotes and Analysis
November 12, 2019
Another CLEAR Education blog post! In this post, we will be diving into Arthur Miller's play, 'The Crucible' and how it extrapolates upon mass hysteria which ultimately affects an individual’s morals, to illustrate the anxieties of McCarthyism era.Overview a...
The Castle - Quotes and Analysis
October 1, 2019
Hello all, in this blog post we will be exploring Rob Sitch’s 1997 film ‘The Castle’ and its relation to the Standard English Module A: Language, Identity and Culture.
Let’s jump into the topic sentence:
Sitch utilises the narration of Dale, the protagonist Darryl’...
1984 - Quotes and Analysis
October 1, 2019
George Orwell’s ‘Nineteen Eighty-Four’ is one of the most prominent texts studied across schools for the common module as the exploration of key concerns of the contextual period are now more relevant than ever.
Nonetheless, when discussing Orwell’s text, it is cruci...
Texts and Human ExperiencesShakespeareTextual Conversations1984Module A: Language Identity and CultureModule BModule B: Critical Study of TextsOrwellStandard EnglishGeorge OrwellModule AModule B: Close Study of TextTS EIiotAdvanced EnglishBilly ElliotBoy Behind the CurtainCrime EssayCultureDobsonDrovers WifeEliotEnglishExam StrategiesExtension EnglishFavel ParrettGeographyHenry LawsonHSCHSC MathsIdentityIndigenous PoetryJulietLanguageLawsonLawson PoetryLegal StudiesLooking For RichardMacbethMathsMerchant of VeniceMetropolisMrs DallowayOodgeroo NoonuccalOttawa CharterPast the ShallowsPDHPEPoetryPreludesRichard IIIRob SitchRomeoSitchStandardSylvia Plath and Ted Hughes PoetryTechniquesThe CastleThe Hollow MenThe HoursThe PastThe Truman ShowTim WintonTrialsTrumanVirginia Wolf